
Cyber Insurance tailored to your business and cyber risk.

Our cyber risk prediction enables you to qualify for insurance and reduce your premiums

  • Choice of cyber insurance through our partners
  • Enabling your business to qualify for cyber insurance
  • Improving your cyber cover and making it relevant for your business
  • Quantifying your $$ cyber liability so your insurer understands your risk
  • Tailoring your premium to your business

Services included

  • Cyber insurance eligibility

    Work with us to make your business eligible for cyber insurance

  • Improved cyber insurance cover

    Better understanding of your cyber risk allows for improved cyber insurance

  • Tailored and reduced premiums

    Risk quantification for your business allows for better premiums tailored to you

  • One stop shop

    Including cyber insurance into your cyber health check service enables you to improve cyber health and earn the rewards over time

  • Simplified cyber

    We are your partner on your cyber journey, simplifying the process

  • Choice of insurance partners

    We provide a range of covers via our partners and pass this advantage to you

So what’s next?

Our team of experts are ready to assist you with conducting a comprehensive audit of your cyber landscape. Backed by our Cyber Health Check product.

Contact us
Simplified Cyber
Cyber Insurance Eligibility
Cost Effective
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